Dell XPS 15 UHD
Published on February 7, 2020 By megaglyph In WindowBlinds

I am a long term user of Windowblinds but since I updated to a new Dell XPS 15 UHD laptop I have been unable to use Windowblinds. The start menu is huge and the taskbar is very wide

I have tried everything I can think of but it refuses to get any thinner. Anyone have any idea of how I can get this to a normal size?




on Feb 07, 2020

Sorry to hear you are having issues. Need more information.

1) Windows version. Please use Winver.exe for full version numbers.

2) Windowblinds version.

3) More details on issue. Is the issue theme specific or any theme?

4) Information on your display. Single or more displays. Resolution on each of it. Scaling applied (100%,125% 150% etc etc) Connection type for external/additional display DVI, DP, HDMI, Docking station, USB, VGA etc)


Stardock Community Assistant.

on Feb 08, 2020

Winver reports Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.21)

WindowBlinds v10.84

Single monitor (Dell XPS 15 9550) running at 3840x2160  - Scalling at 250%.

I have never had issues with WIndowblinds before this laptop but the problem has always been present with the laptop regardless of the version of Windows or WindowBlinds. I have always assumed it was something to do with running a UHD display.


It is all themes. On a most of the nicer themes, WindowBlinds is unusable since the start menu takes up most of the left side of the screen and often the graphics are screwed up. I can find some of the plainer themes where the start menu is acceptable but the taskbar remains an issue.

on Feb 08, 2020

I believe the "wide" taskbar is because you are running on 250% scaling, hence Windows 10 resize the taskbar to 250%,. There is nothing Windowblind it self can do to adjust that. You can try to use lower scaling to make it more manageable. On StartMenu, you can adjust Start10 to disable "Use Large icons" and few others setting in there you can try out.

Thank You,
Stardock Community Assistant.